The One With The Interview

Never in my goal setting did I think that I would be a “known” person or someone striving for followers on Facebook, or connections on LinkedIn. It’s just not me. I’ve always striven to be the support individual and to be the one people think of and smile. Not the center of attention, not the focus of the conversation. I have a super outgoing personality, so I know that seems counterintuitive but when you’ve been the center of attention most of your childhood and you didn’t really ask for it, then that changes you.

When I started my career in real estate I refused to have my face on a sign. Simply because I didn’t want to be “known”. I was cool with being known by my abilities alone and did not need to be recognized in the grocery store. Since working with Charlie on my design and my website and my signs which are blaringly all me in a bright blue picture I’ve come to realize that though I do not want that, my people do. They love me and love to share my talents and part of knowing me is to know my smile and my sparkly loud sarcastic personality. So, thus he shoved me out of the safety zone to share this with the world. In doing so, I ended up on all the social media platforms with a ridiculous number of followers and connections that I did not anticipate.

From all of that came one super cool connection that actually made me dive deep into what makes my businesses work and what makes me tick. He was super patient with me as it took us almost 4 weeks to complete our interview, but I finally searched myself enough to know what exactly it was I wanted to say and exactly how to articulate what ultimately makes me ME.

So, all that to say a big thank you to Jacob Coleman for finding me on LinkedIn and reaching out to make me think. I appreciate your interest in my career path and your patience in my delayed response time!

Thank you to all my people who follow my crazy real estate and design adventures!

Here’s the link to Jacob’s interview that shows how to blend two career paths into one.


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